Friday, June 1, 2012

Halloween at Dawn.

You sat outside
On a well worn couch
Placed on a splintered deck
Looking for answers in the trees
Wet with the night air
Your touch made its way
Through windows and plaster walls
To the lobes of my ears.
And you ran yourself slowly
Along my neck
As you always do
Leaving a trail of molecules
Set on fire
Swarming porous skin
Soaked with sweat like morning dew
I can still smell the autumn cigarettes
Clinging to my clothes
Like the last parcels of fabric
Hugging the metal frame of a couch
That’s seen children grow old.
I cannot recall the fall leaves’ colors
Quite as clearly as I can remember
Frantically pulling apart your costume
Threads in my palms
As if you were hiding the sunlight from us all. 
The post-trip inspection report shall note any additional mechanical or safety defects not listed on the pre-trip inspection report. 

Jack Kerouac said one of his guidelines to living life and being a good writer is to "accept loss forever." Despite the enormous amount of truth there is in that statement, I think there is something inherently within us as human beings that goes beyond just acceptance. We must not only accept loss, but at every opportunity, we must document it. Be it a loss of love, comfort, sanity or friendship; we must document it for others that may suffer the same fate.